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Saturday 11 July 2020

World Population Day / If every girl goes to 10th standard, world population will drop to 150 million by 2050

World Population Day / If every girl goes to 10th standard, world population will drop to 150 million by 2050

New Delhi. According to a report by the Brookings Institution, there is a close relationship between girls' education and birth rates, as education gives girls an understanding of family planning. It also protects them from child marriage and early motherhood. According to Oxford University's World Population and Human Capital in the First Century, if every girl and boy received a formal education up to standard 10, the world's population would be less than 150 million by 2050. According to the UN, the total world population will be 980 million by 2050.

Example of the world
Women’s education facilities in Africa are minimal. Every woman there is giving birth to an average of 5.4 children. While in countries where girls are educated up to 10th standard, every woman gives birth to 2.7 children. For girls where there is education up to college, 1 woman is giving birth to an average of 2.2 children.

Example of country
The same trend is in India. According to a recent report by the Sample Registration System, the lowest birth rate per thousand is 13.9 in Kerala. The birth rate in Tamil Nadu is 14.7. The state is also at the forefront of girls' education. The three most backward states in female literacy in 2011 were Rajasthan (52.7), Bihar (53.3) and Uttar Pradesh (59.5). The birth rate is 23.2 in Rajasthan, 25.8 in Bihar and 24.8 in Uttar Pradesh.

Humans have solved these great challenges in the last 200 years
Literacy: Arranged education of 406 crore children
When the population began to grow rapidly in the early 18th century, 83 out of 100 children had no access to education. These children could not be literate. Out of a population of 100 crore, only 100 crore people were literate then. With a slight improvement, in 1930, one in three people over the age of 15 became literate. Now 86% of the people in the world are literate. Today, the world has a population of 504 million people over the age of 15. Of which about 85% i.e. 406 crore people are literate.

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Poverty: 94% of the people were lifted out of abject poverty
Until 1820 only a small class enjoyed the facilities of a happy life. Only 6 out of 100 people lived a good life. The remaining 94% were extremely poor. In 1950, two-thirds of the world's people were extremely poor. In 1981, the figure dropped to 42%. In 2015, the extremely poor population fell below 10%. It has been called the greatest achievement of the last 200 years. According to the UN, in these 200 years the world has lifted 94% of the population out of poverty.

Independence: 1% people lived in democracy, now 56% live
By 1820 only one person out of 100 was born in a democratic country. Today 56% of the world's people live in democracies. In the 19th century, more than a third of the population lived under colonial rule and almost all others lived in monarchical or dictatorial countries. The world has changed a lot in the 20th century. Colonial empires came to an end and more and more countries became democracies. The number of democratic populations in the world is constantly increasing.

Literacy and birth rate of girls

State literacy birth rate
Kerala 92% 13.90%
Tamil Nadu 73% 14.70%
Himachal 76% 15.70%
Uttarakhand 71% 15.00%
India average 65% 20
Source: Sample Registration System

Where will the population growth stop?
It will take 13 years (2023) for the world's population to grow from 700 to 800 million. It will take 14 years (year 2037) to reach 800 to 900 crores. The rate of population growth is declining, so it will take 20 years (2057) to reach 900 to 1000 crores.

How many births have there been in the world so far?
10,800 crore people have been born in the world so far and the current population of 707 crore is only 6.5% of it.

How much longer will our average life expectancy increase?
Is. By 2045 the lifespan will increase to 6 years. After 25 years, the average human lifespan will be 77 years.
Is. In 2100 this will be 83 years. The average life expectancy in the world today is 71 years. 2000 was 67 years old.

How much impact does each birth have on the earth?
Every American child has more than 10 thousand metric tons of CO2 in the atmosphere throughout his life. This is 5 times more than a Chinese child. India's per capita carbon emissions are 1.73 metric tons.

Where is the lowest fertility rate?
Taiwan has the lowest fertility rate in the world. With a population of 2.38 crore, every woman in this country gives birth to 1.21 children. Every woman in Moldova is giving birth to 1.23 children and in Portugal 1.24 children. India has a fertility rate of 2.0.

Divaybhaskr news

Where is the lowest life expectancy?
The average life expectancy in the African country of Niger is only 15.2 years. This is the country with the youngest population in the world. India has the highest population of 15-59 years in the world. It accounts for 60% of the population.

Human 'cradle': The caves of Africa are called the Garden of Eden
The Strફોckfontein caves are claimed to be Homo sapiens, meaning that we humans were first born in these caves in Africa about two million years ago. 40 km from Johannesburg in Africa

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