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Wednesday 23 June 2021

These are the 8 mild and severe symptoms of Delta Plus, this variant can be fatal for the third wave.

Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said there were 21 cases of Delta Plus variant in the region. Nine of them are in Jalgaon, seven in Mumbai and one each in Sindhudurg, Thane and Palgarh districts.

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In addition, about three cases of Delta-Plus were found in samples collected from two districts in Kerala - Palakkad and Pathanamthitta. Samples of such children were detected by genome sequencing conducted in CSIR-IGIB.

The first case of Delta Plus received from Bhopal

The first case of Delta Plus variant in the country was reported in a 65-year-old woman from Bhopal. After taking the sample on May 23, a report from the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) on June 16 stated that she was infected with the Delta Plus variant.

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Delta Plus claims not to be fatal

Recently, Dr. VK Paul, a member of the NITI Commission, said that the newly discovered Delta Plus variant has not yet been seen as a type of concern. "No one knows about the Delta Plus form yet," he said.

He also said that the impact and change of delta pattern must be scientifically monitored by our INSACOG system. It has to be found and its presence in the country has to be seen.

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Various features of Covid-19 Delta Plus

After a change in the form of the corona virus, the symptoms have also changed. Many of its symptoms are similar to many common diseases. So you should be aware of the symptoms to protect yourself.

Common features of Delta Plus

Dry cough, fever and fatigue

Fewer features of Delta Plus

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, WHO health officials include some less common symptoms such as pain, skin rash, discoloration of toes and fingers, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea and headache.

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Severe symptoms of Delta Plus

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, the virus also has some fatal symptoms. These are serious symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Read In Gujarati

What is Delta Plus?

Scientists have named it 'Delta Plus' 'AY1'. It is feared that this fatal form of corona may cause a third wave. The ‘Delta Plus’ variant is caused by a change in the Delta or a variant of the ‘B1.617.2’ virus which was first identified in India and was responsible for the second wave of epidemics. The first sequence of this genome was seen in Europe at the end of March this year.

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