Misleading notifications have often gone viral on social media platforms. A YouTube video has been going viral for the past few days saying that the central government is giving girls up to Rs 40,000 for marriage under the 'Pradhan Mantri Kanya Vivah Yojana'. However, when the PIB did a fact check of this claim, it found out that the claim was false.
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The PIB Fact Check has clearly stated that this claim is false. There is no such plan from the central government. According to the tweet, a YouTube video claims that the central government is giving up to Rs 40,000 to the daughters for their marriage under the 'Pradhan Mantri Kanya Vivah Yojana'. However, the PIB said the claim was false.
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Everyone knows how fast any message can go viral on social media. Even at this time, a message is going viral, in which it is being claimed that the Modi government is giving 40-40 thousand rupees for the marriage of daughters under the Pradhan Mantri Kanya Vivah Yojana.
Anyone who is getting this message is immediately forwarding it and telling his friends and relatives about this special scheme of the Modi government (Fact Check of Pradhanmantri Kanya Vivah Yojana). So the question is, what is this scheme? Are there or not? So how much money do you get or not? Let us know the answer to your every question.
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In fact, this message, which is going viral fast, is a YouTube video. In this video, it is said that the government will pay for the daughter's marriage. In the video, a scheme of 20 thousand, 30 thousand and 40 thousand rupees has been explained, which has been named as Pradhan Mantri Kanya Vivah Yojana.
Looking at this video, the PIB, while checking the facts, has said that there is no such plan. However, this video is almost a year old, which was put on YouTube on November 17, 2019, which is now going viral on social media.
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Notably, the PIB Fact Check works to curb misinformation spread by the central government on policy-schemes, departments, ministries.
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