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Monday 21 December 2020

21 December Horoscope

Monday Horoscope :Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Libra may have controversy in their marriages on Monday

  • Aries-Taurus will get luck, income of wealthy people will increase
  • Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius take care of health, Virgo-Pisces do not neglect

On Monday, December 21, the planet-constellation will be auspicious for many births. On this day, seven zodiac signs will be accompanied by planets and constellations. Astrologer Dr. According to Ajay Bhambi, the planned works of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra and Dhan Rashi will be completed. There will be opportunities to advance in job and business. Returned money is yoga. There will be luck in many matters. Apart from this, the day of Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces will be moderate. These five zodiac signs should be careful in money transactions and investments.

Well known astrologer Dr. about what Monday 21 December will be like for you. Learn from Ajay Bhambi according to your zodiac sign.

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Aries -

Positive: - Today will be a good start. Meeting like-minded people will give you new energy. The cooperation of any close relative will also be received for the achievement of the goal. Students' interest in the field of science will increase.

Negative: - Today in the second half of the day you will feel as if the situation is slipping out of your hands. Economic conditions can be a bit shaky. So be upset. It is only right to have patience and restraint at this time.

Occupation: - Fate and planet pasture are on your side.

Love: - Any kind of misunderstanding in family life can lead to controversy.

Health: - There can be any kind of infection in the throat.


Taurus: -

Positive: - You will find success by believing in your own honor and ideals instead of money. Being your Karma Pradhan will also shape your destiny. You may also be responsible for any religious or social planning.

Negative: - You will not be able to focus on your family due to excessive engagement in personal tasks. Which may cause disappointment to the relatives. Also spend some time solving children's problems.

Business : - Business related to partnership will be successful.

Love: - Husband-wife relationship will be sweet.

Health: - Problems like urinary tract infections and inflammation are more likely to occur.


Gemini: -

Positive: - Your interest in spirituality and knowing a few secrets will increase. You will also receive excellent information. You will also try to maintain a strong financial position. There is potential for a reasonable return on the sale of the property.

Negative: - Your overly disciplined behavior can be a nuisance for family members. So there is a need to change your practice a little bit.

Business : - Spend most of your time today marketing and outdoor activities.

Love: - Another person can cause stress in marriage.

Health: - Any old health problem can be relieved.

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Kirk: -

Positive: - Try to do self-observation by distracting from wrong activities. Which can give you a lot of peace and stress relief. You will have good success by meeting influential people and increasing social activism.

Negative: - Thinking too much about someone at some point can cause some achievements to slip out of hand. So make a decision right away and start working. The young class may for some reason avoid career plans at present.

Business: - The best time to start a new business is to grow your business .

Love: - Marriage will be sweet.

Health: - The health problems that have been going on for the last few years can be relieved.


Lion: -

Positive: - This zodiac sign is characterized by forgiving the mistakes of others and keeping the relationship intact. Your family and society will continue to dominate. Implement it just by outlining it before doing any work.

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Negative: - Spending too much time in outdoor activities will stop your own personal work. Don't put too much rock-talk on children. Doing so can ruin your home.

Business : - Significant deals are possible in business dealing with the distribution of old property.

Love: - There will be a romantic atmosphere between husband and wife.

Health: - You will be bothered by gas and constipation problems.


Girls: -

Positive: - Try to complete your tasks today in a natural way instead of in a hurry. This will make your task easier. Any stuck rupee can also be recovered, so keep trying.

Negative: - Sometimes some work may be incomplete due to haste and negligence. Don't make a tough decision to keep the house in order. Try to solve problems patiently.

Business: - Focus more on current activities at this time.

Love: - There can be a dispute between husband and wife over an issue.

Health: - Do not allow problems like cough and fever to increase.


Libra: -

Positive: - If any political work is stuck, today is the right time to complete it. You will find success in your endeavors. Housewives and working women will be able to fulfill their household responsibilities properly.

Negative: - A few people of negative activity will criticize or condemn you, but don't worry you won't be harmed . There can be some kind of runaway in economic conditions.

Business : - If any business is stuck then today is the right time to solve it.

Love: - Ideological differences can arise between husband and wife.

Health: - It is necessary to be careful about health.


Scorpio: -

Positive: - Most of the time today will be spent in fulfilling family responsibilities. Your interest in spiritual activities will also increase and you will get peace of mind.

Negative: - Keep distance from people with negative activity. Difficulties in banking can lead to panic. Maintain a little caution in financial matters.

Business : - Business system will be improved. Most work can also be completed on time.

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Love: - Home atmosphere will be positive.

Health: - Excessive work can affect your health.


Dhan: -

Positive: - There will be a fun and cheerful atmosphere when people close to the house come. It can also be a religious planning program. This is the right time to implement a property purchase or distribution plan.

Negative: - Don't trust strangers too much. You can be cheated. Do not disclose your plans and activities to anyone. Also keep in mind that laziness can lead to many opportunities.

Occupation: - The present time is of success. At this point you put all your hard work and energy into your tasks.

Love: - It will be beneficial for you to seek the advice of your spouse or family members in any of your work.

Health: - Chest pain can occur due to increasing cold.


Capricorn: -

Positive: - The condition of the planet today is very satisfactory. Those who have been against you for the last few days will come to your side today. Tasks related to children will be completed peacefully. Recognize your talents at this time and stay focused on your routine and routine with full energy.

Negative: - Also keep in mind that even a few people can take advantage of your simple nature. In the process of resolving the issues of others, a few beneficial opportunities may slip out of hand.

Occupation: - There may be some kind of quarrel in the office today.

Love: - Your spouse and family members will be fully involved in solving your problems.

Health: - Keep your focus on the changing environment.


Aquarius: -

Positive: - Suddenly meeting someone will bring opportunities for advancement. Beneficial issues will be discussed. Collaborating with a religious organization in their activities will enhance your self-esteem.

Negative: - Do not involve any outsider in your personal activities. It is also important to reconsider before making any plans. At this point students need to pay more attention to their studies.

Business : - There will be plans to change the policies related to work in the business related to partnership.

Love: - Husband-wife relationship will be excellently maintained.

Health: - Cervical problems can be irritating at this time.


Mean: -

Positive: - This time property or any other stuck work can be solved by a political person. Social boundaries will also increase. You will also be serious about your fitness.

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Negative: - Your laziness and negligence will be the reason for most of the difficulties in your work. These vices will rock you.

Occupation: - Your presence and concentration in the workplace is essential.

Love: - Can meet an old friend.

Health: - Health will be excellent.

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